So this weekend was the G Cup team event down at the G. I was playing, for the last time, for Team Ninja.
I'm not really going to review the event too much, other than to pick out a couple of interesting hands and how I reacted and such. Starting with 7500 and a 40 minute clock, let's jump right in.
Early doors I three bet A8s against perceived weakness and take a nice multiway pot down on an Ahigh board. I then play some suited connectors in position, make a loose (advertising) snapcall with King High vs Mrmagoogle in a small pot and I'm on about 8500 when I open QQ UTG to 225 UTG at 50/100 and get flatted by both the CO (relatively spazzy, prolly flatting ATPrettyC because of tight BTN and my LAGtard image) and the BTN (tighest player at table, confused by the coldcall) before Nemesis (my team, captain, capable of squeezing wide) makes it 625. I'm getting prepared to 4bet before Alison (mrsfatfish, playing real good and TAGgy) pops it to 1625. I tank fold. Nemesis flashes the As as he folds and Alison mucks. I think she prolly shows a bluff so I think good fold. I also don't think she 4bets AK out of position. With AA she probably flats and hopes I shove. I guess I ran into the other two Queens (nice bet) or KK (nice hand and nice bet) or the Azbo (super bet, and I'm never ahead). There's always a chance she has AA though. A friend of mine says that however weirdly the hand plays out, there is always an 8% chance that they have AA. A maxim I live by!
I claim I folded JJ as I just don't think folding QQ suits my laggy image at this table.
Anyway, a little later I open T8s in late position, flop 2 pair on a drawy board, bet three streets and get raised on the end by mrmagoogle. I sigh, wonder if he waits till the river to raise a straight or set on a 2 heart board but decide he doesn't, call and my top2 is good for a nice pot.
I'm up to about 13000 when the crucial hand occurs. Simmy3k has just moved to our table and joined the tournament. I know him to be LAGgy as hell and capable of all sorts of moves. His third hand in, he makes it 550 at 75/150 in the hijack and I flat the button with 22. Now a reasonably tight player in the BB Pam overcalls for value. As she does this, I turn to Simmy and announce 'great, I need the pot to be multiway for my hand' and he says 'pfft, I just wanted it heads up'. There's 1725 in the pot and we see the flop:
4c 5c 9x
BB checks (I don't think she check-raises a lot at all, so suspect there's a check-fold coming, or, if she has a draw, maybe a check-call) and Simmy obv cbets 850 pretty fast. I think raising here is the best line because:
1. I likely have the best hand as that board doesn't hit Simmy's range that much.
2. I need to protect my hand, and as an added bonus, price out the BB if they're on a draw.
3. I can represent a set or a huge draw given my speech about 'needing the pot to be multiway'.
4. Simmy doesn't know I've been laggy so a raise reps a pretty narrow range, I think.
5. If I get flat called I can reevaluate on the turn. So yeah, I'm raising for value and for information.
Anyway, you may disagree, please let me know in the comments if you do, but I make it 2300. This makes the total pot 4875, and Simmy has to put 1450 more in. Given that he started the hand with 7500, he'll have almost half his stack in if he flats.
He tanks. For a looooonnng time. About 5 minutes. In the end, he looks resigned and just slides his chips over the line. All 6950 of them (including the 850). So, the pot is 10975 and I have to call another 4650 from my ~11k remaining stack. Let's consider his range:
1. He doesn't have sets or twopair, like, ever, because he jams quicker. Like instaquick. I don't think he was acting, he was genuinely trying to decide how to play his hand facing a raise.
2. For the same reason, I rule QQ+ almost all of the time and TT/JJ lots of the time (i think he flats and reevaluates those hands, and moves in with QQ+ quicker).
3. He has 66,77,88 here a fair amount of the time, I think. Maybe 20% of the time he turns up with one of those hands.
3. He has clubs here, a lot, I think. Like wider than AcXc and including like KcXc, QcJc, maybe even wider, I think (given the image I have of him). Obviously when he has clubs -- I have the 2c, kindofa blocker ;) -- he also has two overs, which is basically a flip. Given the money in the middle (remember, 4650 more into almost 11k) I make the auto call for how often he has just clubs.
He shows KK. Ooops. No help for me and down to like 6k or so.
I then play really badly, don't adjust to my new stacksize and finally shove 4200 over Simmys open with A9s and he has KK, again.
Thoughts on the key hand?
As a test: If you were shown AKcc by simmy when he moved in, and you'd still fold, you're wrong. A couple of people said that too me at the break. I haven't heard a convincing argument for why I should fold here (when shown 2overs and FD) yet, so I'll continue to assume it would be optimal to call.
Anyway, comments appreciated and well done to Dobba Knights for the record and to all who played. Well done to Dan Trett for being more hungover than me and for tempting me pre-tourney with Nandos, too.
Editing blogpost title given comments.
I'm going to Costa Rica!!!!!!!!
5 years ago