I work in the iGaming industry as a Customer Services Manager.
Sometimes, I may make reference to things that are happening at work or give an opinion on something related to the industry. Whilst I won't explicitly name my employer right here, reading this blog will not make it difficult to work out.
Nothing in this blog is intended or described as being endorsed by my employer. My views are entirely my own. I'm even allowed to have an opinion. Honest. I asked my boss. He said he was fine with it, as long as I wasn't a dickhead*. Well. I'll let you draw your own conclusions.
If I work with you, then hi, thanks for popping in. It's only fair that I warn you that sometimes I will tilt. When I do tilt, I often blog about it; at length. My therapist says it's how I deal with things. If you're incapable of taking off your rose-tinted glasses, you're probably not going to enjoy yourself here. Don't worry, I'll never say anything specific about individuals, and nor will I be mean or vindictive. I don't promise to be super nice all the time either though. I will promise that I'll never say anything here that I wouldn't repeat in front of my boss, and his boss, easy. If you can cope with all that, then thanks again for coming in, and enjoy your stay.
*NB: Not what he actually said. Joke.
I'm going to Costa Rica!!!!!!!!
5 years ago