So after my last post, you know, the bit that said 'sleep now before work tonight', what did I do?
Exactly the opposite of sleep. *sigh*
I went to the beach for cricket and arcade fun with Buzz, Farmer Dave, Burrrrrrrs Hurrrrrrrg, Spoona and Sensh. Good times were had indeed, great banter and I must have only lost like £6 playing 10p arcade games which feels like a winning session against such obv rooooooged games.* Surprisingly, neither Buzz nor Spoona did their nuts and went busto within the first 3 seconds! ;)
The bad news is that I've had exactly 0 sleep and now I'm at work till 8am. I tried a power nap, but it didn't really work.
All i had to do was text back saying 'nah, got to work tonight, should probably sleep', but then again, I'm an idiot. Totally worth it though. Cheers lads!
Oh yeah. I think I bruised a rib attempting to take the most ridic diving catch in cricket. That sucks major balls. Oh well, a little bit of paperwork catch up and then cock about for the rest of the night is in order, before sleeping all day tomorrow. Once I've done that, I'll obv play the G £10 Turbo, just for the craic and because I'll need something to do before starting work at 7:30 AM on Tuesday. I am an idiot. *sigh*
Gl at the tables,
*srsly, I'm not that much of a degen that I think of visits to the pennyarcade in terms of being 'winning or losing'
I'm going to Costa Rica!!!!!!!!
5 years ago
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