Monday, 31 May 2010

*sigh* why can't I play better? -- The story of my weekend.

So I played the Friday night tourney at the G.

Cardguard puts a bounty on my head and even though I'm playing like a hero, JJ < AK and I can no longer beat Stumpy for the £300 seat. Bah. Wp Stumpy though, well deserved sir.

I then play cash and spunk off with two overcards, NFD and a broadway draw on the turn when some total moron bets £40 into an £11 pot. *sigh* Incidently, I also made quads and got very little action. Scotty raises early to £3.75, I 3bet to £12.25 with KK and some tard shoves ATo for about £20. Scotty was 4betting AQ all day there, but now he has to pass and I flop quads. Thanks for that, retard. *sigh*

Also, I spazz out of the G Online Final, making the money, but not very much. Still, it's £25 for free when AZBO < AQ. *sigh*

Saturday night was the most fun I've had playing poker in fucking ages. A cracking, although pretty short, DC game at the G with Russ the Suit, Chris Carr, Sensh, Cardguard, the Geek, Nemesis, Craig Mac, Scotty and a few others.

Sensh runs like God, obviously, making a ridic call on the turn in 6card PLO8 where the other three players in the hand already have nut nut. Sensh has a set and an ueberwrap with a flush draw, and he binks the river. Still, I only lose about a tenner on that hand, if he folds, I win about a £5er, so meh.

Later, I make a cracking call against Scotty in this hand: 7 card PLO8:

I have A23467T with some suits and flat cgks raise from the button, but say that 'I think I'm supposed to pot it here'. Scotty, who has limped, says 'yeah, i think I'm supposed to pot it too' but just calls.

Flop is a worldy K45r. I now have an ueberwrap for the high and the low, and a pair. I check, Scotty bets £5 and is called by cgk and Sensh, so I come along as well. Turn is a pretty bricky Qc, which puts a flush draw out there (I have three club blockers) and a broadway gutshot. Scotty bets £16, cgk passes and Sensh calls too. Now I have to call also, I don't like raising because I can be dead to half the pot a decent amount of the time here.

River is an offsuit 4. So now I have trips, but someone could easily have KK/QQ for the world.

I check, scotty bets £44 all in and Sensh mucks.  i had sensh on like A23KQXX, and I tank for ages before deciding that scotty has bricked the world here. He has AKQJTXX so often here I think, and his 3/4 pot sized shove just doesn't make sense to me. With him last to act, I think he'd check behind any small value hand like 5s full or the other 4 with a house, and he'd make a smaller bet with KK/QQ. After tanking for eternity, I call and Scotty immediately tells me 'I think you're good' so I flash a 4 and win the pot. He tells me later he had the nut low draw, nut flush draw, a broadway wrap and 2 pair, so good read me :D

On Sunday night, I head over to Circus and get my stack in first hand (I've turned up late) with AKcc. Phil Butler raises to 200 in EP at 25/50 and I make it 725 in MP. With the action back on Phil, he makes it 2000. I read him for having JJ/QQ and folding to a shove, so I oblige and shove. He sigh-snap calls with KK, I turn a Royal Draw and river the Ace. I run so good.

I don't play any big pots really, but I get three streets of value from Malcom, some old fish, twice with AK and KK respectively, both on KXXXX boards. With the addon, my stack is north of 27k (almost twice the average) when I'm moved tables.

I'm reading my table well, so I'm annoyed to be moved, but Dan Trett (with a million billion chips) and Sensh (with about 23k) are on the table, so all is well. This'll be tough, I think, but great banter. There is also Rob 'larfingravy' Richardson, who's a really nice bloke (and, ul for him, stuck between Dan and Sensh, gg blinds...). In addition to these cracking lads, there's a total fish and friend of 'I Call', an old lady to my left, and the biggest prick in the north east two to my right. There's also another arse directly to my right, who's had some choice things to say about me in the past.

A few hands in, I Call 2 raises to 800 at 2/400 and 4 players call. I have TT in the SB so re-pop it to 3300. Everyone passes, except the arse directly to my right, who, with a stack of 7000 or 8000, flat calls. I check fold the AJX flop and berate him for calling and not shoving/folding. He goes into 'but I won the pot' mode, which is so ridic, and then he calls me an arse so I get a little bit lippy. Sensh is laughing, but Dan's a bit pissed at my attitude, and rightly so really. I'm never mornally a prick at the poker table, but this dude just gets under my skin.

Two hands later, I flat an EP raise from sensh with, you guessed it, AQcc. The situation is so ripe for Dan to squeeze light from the big blind, and I only flat so that I can shove over him, really. Dan obliges, makes it 4400 and then sensh shoves. *sigh*. I have to pass, as does Dan. They both had 99, apparently. Nice bet, Sensh.

Then I think the very next hand, I get AJs and it folds to me late. I look like I'm steaming, I kinda am a bit, and I raise, thinking Dan will raise light. He raises, Rob Richardson ships for a little bit more and it's back on me. Now, I only have AJ, and Rob's range is TT+, AK here I think, but as long as he doesn't have AA, I'm getting the right price to call, as long as Dan folds. Now, like I say, I think Dan's light here *a lot* so he folds if I shove about 70% of the time, I think. So I shove. Dan's not light. He has AK. Sigh.

The thing about Dan is that he has an image where people always think he's light. And he is so capable of being light a lot and just taking pots away from people with solid aggressive poker. The corollary of that is that sometimes he will have a hand, and will catch you with your pants down. I'm not scared of anyone on the Newcastle poker scene, I think I've got some game and I'll mix it with anyone, but if there's anyone that I feel a little uncomfortable having on my table, it's Dan. He puts people to decisions all the time, and there have been pots when we've 3 and 4 bet (and even 5 bet, iirc) each other with fuck all. He's so hard for me to read too so is a really dangerous opponent. If Dan's in the zone, he's probably the toughest player on the scene for me. He also has an awesome blog, Full Trett Poker, which he and his brother Mark write. If you don't read this on the regular, what are you doing with your life? Go read it now, I'll wait here.

So there we go, a weekend round up.

Note to self: Dan isn't always light. ;)

Today after work I'm off to the G for the league final. There's £4k in the prizepool and I start with the most chips by virtue of having won the league. I'll let you know how that goes tomorrow.

Gl at the tables,.


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