Points of Order:
Congratulations to Gaz Walker on his magnificent win at the UKIPT recently. Well done Gaz, well deserved. It was great to see the entire NPF behind him and the rail thread was one of the best on their in ages. So much love.
Congratulations to Teh Dobberz on their CGK Cup win, I'm gutted I couldn't make it to Newcastle for this epic tournament.
Why I'm shattered:
Last week I worked about 96 hours and still got some time in for a game of Rugby and a coaching session with both an MTT sicko and a HU midstakes cash reg. I'mn actually constantly fucked, but really enjoying the work. The boss said some nice things about me in my appraisal recently, but honestly, I didn't achieve even half of what I wanted to in my first three months in the office. I have so many plans and ideas, but as ever, operational shenanigans can sometimes get in the way.
I also had another friend out here for an interview, but unfortunately, although he made the final two from about 12 short-listed candidates, he didn't get the job. Such a shame. If there's something you think you could do for us, why not check out www.pokerstrategy.com/jobs.
Looking Forward:
I have a *lot* of things I need to complete by the end of the month, after which three great friends of mine are coming out to visit. I haven't seen one of them in about 8 months, so it'll be nice to finally catch up with some beers. I even took a few days off work and will leave my laptop in the office!
And, of course, next weekend the 6 Nations is back, and I'll be spending some time in Granada. A really good friend of mine is coming to the end of her internship; so next weekend is her last with us for the foreseeable future as she has to complete another year of studies in Germany before possibly returning so there'll be some fun to be had there too. Honestly, it'll be nice to have a weekend to myself without working.
Till then,
I'm going to Costa Rica!!!!!!!!
5 years ago